Sebuah Frekuensi Kehidupan

My life is a combination of success and failure that comes with love, passion and care


I hate backstabbing people...I really hate people who wear mask to cover up their real identity..I really hate this guy at my work place. hecks! the positive side of it, well....I know I'm working in BII based on my uncle references, at least I work naturally, I work and go on with the flow...I'm not trying to be sort of the boss's pet.

sometimes I simply laugh at what I got in the office, laugh at that guy who act so childish, I mean, if you got problem with your peers, you are a 24 y.o guy, settled with it...settle your problems. keep reporting your complaints to the boss won't settle anything.

Wielianto Santoso, work as man, and act like a man.....stop being childish, you're facing a tough world.. Siba Geseki!


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