wow!this blog actually has not been updated for quite long yah. well, since I don't really have neither the internet connection or the computer with me also I have to accompany my dad during his cancer treatments and everything here in Singapore, AND my life here is so monotone, from morning to night everydays eat,sleep,eat and sleep. you can call me pighead though heuhuehuehuee...besides, I've realized too kalo blog gue ni ga ada yang baca hauhauhauha....yah biarkan lah..oh well, shit happens rite?
About my dad, he is getting better...altho' there's some people, uhm wait..are they people? PEOPLE?? I don't think so..anyway, these creatures made my dad come into a stage of life what we used to call as SHOCK, I am in Shock too. but well, it's life what written up there, sebuah Frekuensi kehidupan..a life frequencies..whereas u'll be on the top line or down's just like a wheel, right??
About me, quite happy here, quite boring too. ahak ahak ahak, I just graduated from my uni..huff,finally. and just attended my ceremony last week in Town Hall Building, Sydney on 12th May 2004, my friends upthere in Sydney *waves hello to y'all* teased me on that day about my name getting "something" on behind.u know, the BComm huh? *biasa aja sih* for me, graduation is just a temporary joy; it just took about 5-20 mins, or an hour the longest. why? well, soon after that u realize that u r no longer a student, u have to stand on your own; no more " MAAAA, I need money" it means, u got to look for job!!!!!and's not easy...and here I am in front of the computer down here at united square, Novena-Singapore ...I was about to look the jobs..but u see, I'm here typing nonsense on my blog..ENOUGH RIA!!! okay ppl, I gotta move my hands to this lil mousie mouse to open a life!!
About my dad, he is getting better...altho' there's some people, uhm wait..are they people? PEOPLE?? I don't think so..anyway, these creatures made my dad come into a stage of life what we used to call as SHOCK, I am in Shock too. but well, it's life what written up there, sebuah Frekuensi kehidupan..a life frequencies..whereas u'll be on the top line or down's just like a wheel, right??
About me, quite happy here, quite boring too. ahak ahak ahak, I just graduated from my uni..huff,finally. and just attended my ceremony last week in Town Hall Building, Sydney on 12th May 2004, my friends upthere in Sydney *waves hello to y'all* teased me on that day about my name getting "something" on behind.u know, the BComm huh? *biasa aja sih* for me, graduation is just a temporary joy; it just took about 5-20 mins, or an hour the longest. why? well, soon after that u realize that u r no longer a student, u have to stand on your own; no more " MAAAA, I need money" it means, u got to look for job!!!!!and's not easy...and here I am in front of the computer down here at united square, Novena-Singapore ...I was about to look the jobs..but u see, I'm here typing nonsense on my blog..ENOUGH RIA!!! okay ppl, I gotta move my hands to this lil mousie mouse to open a life!!