Sebuah Frekuensi Kehidupan

My life is a combination of success and failure that comes with love, passion and care


Current Mood : extremely happy

I was thinking negatively about myself that I'm not capable of anything, since there's no news about all the resumes I sent. Everyone especially my mum told me to be patient and keep praying to Him. well, yeah I am extremely happy right now. Uh, nope it's not because I got a job already...AS I WISH...sometimes when I was still in college,I always wishes that I finish college soon so I don't have to do those silly billy assignments. but well, you know HUMAN...we never feel satisfy enough for whatever we gained. Since I've finished college last month, practically I don't need to do the uni chores anymore.which means, Pengangguran in bahasa..hahaha,I named myself high quality pengangguran...or Jomblo to be complete...yeah cool isn't it? Jomblo and Pengangguran...

I was all alone today at home, as usual; my bro went to work, my dad went to work *a bit late tho,I got friend @ lunch time..gee!thx dad, u r superb* and my mum went to work as sis is not around as her college is up there quite far from my house ...she is in Karawaci,so she lives just next door of UPH..*hint* *hint* here the worst part being home all alone, umm not really alone though,my 2 fatty maids are at home too, but whenever phone rings,my mum colleague or friends or even my aunts usually just do this :

Caller : Hallo!ibu mana?
Gue : hah? ini dari mana?
Caller : dari non blaa blaa blaa
Gue : mama ga ada....
Caller: ohh Ria toh...kirain febu....
Gue : SIALAN!!!

fyi, Febu is sort of err...since my mum family is Chinese, from Shanghai background, so well yeah, Febu is Maid in their language.luckily, they don't call me ZhoFu which means Driver..hahaha...RIBET yeah...RIBET ABIS...

okay back to main topic, I am totally desperate for job this week especially until this afternoon, someone from a private bank called for interview, followed by another call from someone of an international airline for written test on Friday, then followed by another company for interview on Monday, the funny thing is, I can't even recall what kind of job that I applied for the last company...yeah I totally forgot, geez!!!!!


Pernah liat cicak horny? nah kayaknya gue aja yang norak!! soalnya tadi beberapa menit yang lalu, gue lagi seru-serunya cari kerjaan *dufan kali* trus ada bunyi ck ck ck kenceng banget, lha gue sendirian ya kaget atuh..trus ada 2 cicak uber-uberan, yang diuber si cicak gendut, nah yang nguber si cicak horny ini, kenapa gue bilang gitu, ya gue berkesimpulan sendiri aja;abis sambil nguber-nguber buntut si cicak horny itu goyang kanan goyang kiri gitu loh hauhauhauhaa gimana blogger laen ada yang mengerti tentang ilmu peradaban cicak??

kenapa gue posting tentang cicak? gue dari tadi uda mikir mo ngeblog ah uda lama ga ngepost,tp bingung gue mo ngepost tentang apa...nah ditengah-tengah kebingungan gue; si 2 cicak tsb ber ck ck ck ria jadi dengan kata lain, dengan sungguh hormat tanpa buntut goyang-goyang gue bertrima kasih padamu wahai cicak....*buntut apa ekor sih yang bener?*

PS:ini bukti kelamaan nganggur, otak gue setop jadi suka ga sinkron gini isinya *nah lo*